Sunday, March 30, 2008

How Fast Time Flies

After the fall semester at Clemson, I always wonder what I am going to do during school when there is no football! Every year the same thing happens: spring semester seems to go by faster than fall semester! You would think that without football games to look forward to every weekend, time might go by a little slower! It takes a little while for spring break to get here, but once it does, the semester seems to absolutely fly by! It's hard to think that once we get back from spring break, we only have five weeks of class until we are out for summer! This means, that in most classes we have about one test left, or at least a big project still to come. Although work does not seem to let up, the time just disappears! I was trying to think about what makes the time go by so fast and I came up with a few answers. I think that the baseball games have a lot to do with it. When there are games during the week, it acts as a little break from school: it is almost like a mini-weekend. We get out of class, go meet up with friends, and go out to dinner and then the game (or vice versa). I think another factor that speeds up the semester is the gorgeous weather! This weekend may have been an exception, but for the most part the weather has been great! After class, my roommates and I always sit out on our porch and just relax. I think this relaxation really helps us to calm down about school and just takes things as they come. The weekends also serve as a great time to either go out on the lake, or take little day trips to nearby sites. Whatever it is that causes time to fly, I can't say I don't like it!

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